NoiseAfter attending the May, 2012 Franklin/Clinton Block Meeting with the featured issue of a variance request by the Harp establishment to host outdoor live music, I have the following comments and thoughts to share and strongly suggest that those who ultimately make a decision on granting a variance, DO NOT do so, for many reasons which will be outlined below.

At the meeting, I was not surprised to experience the indifference, dismissive, smug, arrogant, and entitlement attitudes of some of the persons attending in favor of this variance. Some were musicians, another a bar owner, I believe. I have been dealing with and have been pro-active with quality of life issues, noise being a number one, for several years, and what I have learned is that those who make the most noise, seldom act any other way, and because they’re used to living loud all the time, simply cannot understand how loud their establishments can be to others. They are often wrapped up in their own little world of deafening themselves without regard to anyone else outside their music zone–where such sound encroaches on private property–and hence becomes NOISE to someone else who does not wish to be forced to hear it.

Today’s ultra loud high technology that amplifies this “music” denies such a person the right to enjoyment and  reasonable peace in their own home. It can be very damaging to the body as it is very unnatural to be exposed to today’s amplified sounds. The body was simply not designed to be subjected to this kind of noise. Excessive noise exposure has many adverse health affects. Additionally, it is linked to many social, economic, and environmental negatives. I will not use this letter to prove nitty gritty facts, but invite anyone to do their own research. But, in short,exposure to excessive highly amplified sound is a public health issue, and NOT a mere nuisance. It can contribute to hearing loss, learning disabilities, sleep deprivation, nausea, anxiety, headache, hyper-tension, aggressive indifferent behavior, rapid heart beat, and even aggravate post traumatic stress disorders. It results in what audiologists refer to as “Flight or Fight” responses.

According to the US Census Information, it is among the number one reason peaceful law abiding citizens move out of a given area. Cleveland, like many other cities across the nation, have their fill of an already overly-noisy sound scape. Granting Harp a variance simply adds to this already full quota of noise pollution emissions.With regard to existing noise levels in the city, why add more to creating an eventual acoustic sewer? Even in tough times, the least we can have is a good night’s sleep.

It amazes me at how many businesses, as did spokespeople for Harp,  attempt to argue about “all the wonderful things” they brought to the neighborhood, or even how well they keep their property maintained. Wait a minute! This should be expected anyway when you maintain a curb front business and should not be rewarded extra kudos, or met with an attitude that suggests that because a bar or club keeps up their property they should be given some special pass to be extra loud! Such to me simply demonstrates how low standards/expectations have sunk.

It amazes me how often, in Cleveland the last few years, that a neighborhood’s taxpaying stakeholders, seem to be held in less regard than loud establishments. When I kept hearing how much Harp contributes to the neighborhood, I had to ask, “What about the neighbors?” Don’t they ALSO pay taxes and contribute to the fabric of the neighborhood?
It amazes me that some who operate or are associated with places that feature live music, seem to think that just because they pitch in some money into the hat of benevolence/charity, that it somehow relives them of their personal responsibility to respect and obey noise ordinances and therefore can be as loud as they wish and for as long as they wish!

It amazes me at how many times I have witnessed establishments being granted variances for such outdoor music, and then over time, abuse their privilege. One’s so called right to be loud, should never supersede another person’s basic human right to domestic peace and tranquility in their own home. Even the constitution is supposed to assure that right.

I wonder how many bar or club owners take the time to consider the fact that people who live in the neighborhood, have children, jobs, and responsibilities that require a healthy living environment for them to perform their duties well, just how much noise can affect them from doing their best? They have a livelihood to uphold as well, just like musicians who lament they’re living is being affected!

At the meeting, I was not moved by Harp’s, or other associates attempts to gloss over the pointed issue of noise encroachment by offering a palette full of all the good things they have done for the neighborhood. I viewed this as the pointed issue being twisted into a “the people are picking on us and we are victims” thing.

I hope many who attended that meeting supporting this variance are reading this and hear this well, that is, if their hearing is not already damaged! (I will comment on that as well in a moment) This is NOT and NEVER was an “anti-music/musician” thing. I heard one ridiculous rationale from one woman at the meeting that suggested something to the nature that because she now hears music from Harp, she no longer hears other crime related noises/sounds. Uhhhh… that’s just great.. Let’s just cover the noise the real crimes are making, right? Let’s do the individual trying to break in a house a favor by covering the noise he makes! Nonsense to say the least! Her testament should in NO way help a cause for granting a variance.

Only an irrational non-critically thinking selfish fool would twist this whole topic into such “anti-music” directions as above. I repeat: The subject is as mentioned above… excessive noise emanating off a given premisses and violating the rights of others peace in their own home. It is a simple common sense and courtesy issue that should not take mountains of debating to understand. I also witnessed attempts to stray off the topic of the particular kind of noise at hand, to point out a host of other noises in society. Again, ridiculous. The point of the meeting was to address one issue at a time, and this issue at hand happened to be this particular kind of noise and granting Harp a variance.

Other excessive noises are also not good and have their own negative contributions, but this was not the forum for such discussion. The attitude of those who attempted to articulate that, was one of “Oh, well they make this noise over there…..so I can make my own noise over here” That attitude also reaffirmed my belief they they knew very little about the ill-effects of particular kinds of noises and most importantly, the differences! It suggested to me they, like most people, knew little if anything about the psychology of noise. I would suggest the well crafted book.. “WHY NOISE MATTERS”.

In an attempt to compromise, I attempted to suggest that establishments stop jumping on the bandwagon of louder and bigger is better with this cookie cutter approach to music delivery in a venue, that simply follows a “blast it as loud as you can” game plan–AND,  instead, why not tailor the sound for the particular size of the venue? Too often these days, in bars or clubs, you cannot decipher instruments in music, ups and downs, because it is so loud that it is all jumbled together and simply becomes unidentifiable–and NOISE.

Now I want to get back to my mention of hearing loss as stated earlier. It is important to note that those who are exposed to loud music or any noise long enough, cannot hear as well as someone who has not, and therefore really cannot fathom how loud they are really being! They often speak very loudly as well because their hearing has been temporarily disabled to a degree where they cannot even hear themselves speak.

With respect to hearing loss or damage, the following information is from Dr. Louis Hagler. This portion is taken from a  summary, prepared by Louis Hagler, MD, and taken from a 100+ page World Health Organization Guideline (Guideline for Community Noise) that provides information about the harmful effects of noise on human health. This document can be seen in its entirety at:


“Given the importance of the problem, occupational noise exposure is fairly well regulated and controlled worldwide. Environmental noise exposure, especially that related to leisure-time activities, has not been controlled in the same way. Given both the increasing number of noisy activities and the increasing exposure duration (such as in loud cars) regulatory activities are to be encouraged. Whereas dose-response data are lacking, based on the limited data that are available, there appears to be no risk to hearing with exposures to 70 dB or less. Daily l hour exposure levels should not exceed 85 dB. It is recommended that exposure to sound levels greater than 100 dB should be limited to a 4-hour period and should not occur more than four times per year. Exposure to higher sound pressure levels and greater duration of exposure are significant risk factors. To avoid hearing impairment, impulse noise exposure should never exceed 140 dB peak sound pressure in adults and 120 dB peak sound pressure in children.”

I am in the opinion, despite the numbers above, that hearing damage can result over long periods of time to even lower decibel levels, much like eating marginally fatty and unhealthy foods may still result in a longer term or slower weight gain. If you have ever walked out of a concert and were temporarily affected in the hearing, you will understand what I am talking about. But, no worries because the deafer they become, let’s just turn it up another notch until we are stone deaf by 40 and then need to go on some sort of public assistance! Indeed, that’s where we’re headed, folks, in the culture of loud.

In regard to the whining “But we might lose business” Another unsupported battle cry of the loud, I have to wonder, are venue owners so narrow dynamic in their creativity that the only thing they can come up with to offer a good time for patrons is to offer mega loud? This is not just happening in night clubs, it is happening in local pubs and eateries too. People are frequently assaulted with audio they did not ask for nor need. You would never hear of someone walking OUT of an establishment because it was NOT loud enough, but you likely WOULD hear about someone waking out because ambient sound levels are just to loud. So, I have to ask….Where are the places where the background music enticed you to want to hear more… and perhaps even buy the record somewhere as you listened closer? Where is the place you can have music playing, but still be able to have a dinner conversation with friends and family, instead of being acoustically assaulted by cacophony?

My concern for Ohio City, and because I have been considering investing in a home in the neighborhood after renting for so long, is that it is over-the-top catering to such uncreative overly-loud music venue types for the sake of quick money and a mostly non-resident party-type crowd between 21 and 34. Sure, there are many short term gains to be made for a few, and it is good to have a healthy scene for such a group, but short term gains is NOT how elected city leaders or neighborhood movers and shakers should be thinking.

They need to be thinking in long terms of creating a neighborhood environment conducive to people wanting to live in it, not just eat and party….then go back to a suburb. Let’s also cater more to those who wish perhaps to raise a family—-OR cater more to the age bracket that actually spends the most in the economy, between 35 to 55. This is a largely overlooked and ignored demographic. I do not want to see the neighborhood become mostly what are essentially glorified bars, but unfortunately, that seems to be where a lot of the agenda of OCI, the neighborhood’s supposed premier development group, has ventured lately. Its seems they have become a marketing group for such establishments in question, rather than a community group that promotes healthy balance in the neighborhood with respect to quality of life issues such as noise. .

Granting of a variance sets a bad “we did it for them so we have to do it for everyone else” precedent. It should NOT be granted now…or at least until existing establishments have proven they can respect the existing rules/ordinances which govern noise. The burden of proof about what is overly loud should not be on residents shoulders….nor be left up to the hearing damaged bar owners or musicians to decide! Most of us know very well what too loud is and if we cannot exercise some common sense in this issue, then I shudder to think in what direction this neighborhood is going.

Afterall, we would not have had to craft new guidelines, rules, and ordinances to govern noise if not being too loud was being respected in the first place. And bar owners who testify that they are not really responsible for what happens outside their establishment: You most certainly are responsible for what goes on outside your premises when the origin of the issue is on yours and in this case we are talking about sound emanating from your property, that goes on for too long and is simply too loud.

At the meeting, I heard some pro-variance folks bemoan that if this “too loud” thing was a problem, why didn’t they (residents) come to meetings, or call, or why they (bar owners) didn’t get any complaints about it. Well, I have to answer that question by saying that just because no one may complain does not mean the problem does not exist. Second, you can easily say no one is complaining, but that does not make it true. I beg to differ because noise is among the top complaints the police receive.

Interestingly enough, their questions to such, in turn, beg the question from me….and so I ask, WHERE are the establishment owners at block meetings? I only see them there when they feel they are being picked on! Many have overstepped their boundaries and privileges in regard to offer live outdoor music, and then cry when new rules or stiffer ordinances need to be crafted to remind them that they need to exercise a little more personal responsibility and common sense, courtesy, and manners. Its really simple folks…. all the residents want is for you to respect their right to peace in their homes. Do you get it? Why is that so difficult to understand? Or does it take someone acoustically assaulting you when it is NOT convenient for you… to finally get it?

Finally… Be a good neighbor… and respecting basic rights to reasonable peace goes a long way, for no amount of charity, curb appeal and so on excuses obnoxiously and continual in-your-face loud that violates current laws and ordinances, and ultimately another’s right to peaceful enjoyment of their own home. Your rights, END where theirs begin and this is about respecting that concept. Clearly many of you do not, or you would not be at such a meeting defending your sound invasions in other people’s homes.Hey! I have an idea for a charity…. How about the right to peace, comfort, safety, and enjoyment of, in one’s own home?!

No variance granting for Harp. Enough is enough. Its nothing personal.

I am amending this article with the following final thought……

I would like to note that much of this issue is about the amplified OUTDOOR music and its impact on the nearby residents in being intrusive and denying them the right to peace and enjoyment of their own home. It is about addressing the impact of the kind of outdoor “entertainment” that is so often offered at venues these days that have been gentrified away from the small neighborhood social clubs or bars they used to be when the loudest components were just a juke box, or an maybe an acoustic band.

These former venues shared neighborhoods with residents and were gathering places for locals, but were rarely as loud as these newly fashioned venues which may occupy these former social halls or neighborhood pubs. The technology just perhaps wasn’t this loudly evolved or so often used. THAT’S the difference! This new sound we hear is NOT tailored with respect to proximity to residences. This is another part…and POINT which many who defend LOUD just seem to not get!

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 8:25 AM No comments:

America–You are too loud, please quiet down, its simply obnoxious!

Please sign the petition in the link following this letter to re-instate ONAC! This is the body of the Federal EPA that regulates noise pollution.

Reagan killed funding for EPA’s ONAC in the early 80’s and now communities everywhere are experiencing the effects of what is essentially a kind of “acoustic assault” and “audio terrorism” via a virulent ongoing cacophony of illegally modified exhaust systems (also compromising clean air quality) boom cars, lawn equipment, low flying aircraft, and a host of other sources–all of which can and should be quieted.

Noise issues are affecting us more than many realize as I will note some effects in this letter. But to first address the environmentalists working hard on saving the environment: Isn’t a better, cleaner, healthier environment also entitled to a quieter one? At least it was thought to be at one time when grass roots activists and politicians from both parties worked to create a system of standards for anything that created artificial noise.

Environmentally speaking it may surprise the green movement that noise is among the number one complaint in communities everywhere…and among the top reasons people will move away. So, it is easy to see how left unabated, it can also contribute to habitat and wildlife killing urban sprawl.

But wait…there’s more!…..

Sadly… socially…The louder we become as a nation, the number and dumber we seem to become. So another obvious by product of noise is fostering an ultra numb and idiotic society where “loud” is good. Because of this , police respond to noise complaints daily. In the USA, each month, someone is usually shot, beaten or stabbed over a noise incident not taken seriously by law enforcement. Most of the time, someone tries to ask one who is making noise to “please turn it down… I have to work in the morning and my kids are trying to sleep”….then all of a sudden, the noise offender, says “BLEEP you I will do what the BLEEP I want!” and resorts to violence. Certain noises surely tap into the primal aggressiveness in all of us.

So, there is also worst case turn out crimes that can result from communities NOT taking noise as a serious issue. The pro-noise culture is brought to us by self serving, indulgent individuals who seem to feel they are entitled to use their freedoms any way they wish, no matter who or what it hurts. The collective result of corporate unaccountability paired with social ignorance is destroying citizens quality of life by stealing away the right to reasonable peace and tranquility in one’s own home.

Want to be loud? Be loud on this issue! Keep reading…..

Economically speaking, there are many jobs–AND an economy to be created through achieving QUIET technology, just as their has been in doing the destructive former of imposing LOUD on a helpless population. Are we too stupid in the USA to develop more peaceful communities via quieting down all things mechanical? The obsessive lawn care nut playing with his loud leaf (I mean DIRT blower) for hours chasing a single leaf down the street while stirring a tornado of dust that includes mold, pollen, feces, and other nasties, should help you get the picture of why quiet is important at a neighborly level. (That’s NOT paprika on your potato salad, folks!)

The obsession with loud has me ponder the question…. Have people forgotten the experience of the joy in peace? To think, listen to what the natural world really sounds like? Sadly, even in rural areas these days quite often one cannot escape excessive noise, as those areas are experiencing sources such as loud trucks, chainsaws, ATV’s or even fireworks being =set off by morons who think the 4th of July is a year round event!

As I hinted above about an economy being created by quieting down communities, I feel it is important to mention because pro-noise lobbyists who represent industries such as electronics or after market exhaust companies have–and will do all in their power to thwart national and local efforts to quiet mechanical sources of noise and holding their companies accountable. They have no other function than to protect the corporate interest no matter the cost. The cost of your ignorance results in their profits. They will use the archaic, tired… and appealing-to-the-mental midget banter of “you are going to kill jobs…and deny people’s rights”

Oh really? Meanwhile, they deny your right to peace in your own home and neighborhood! A helpless population most adversely affected by the noise (infants, elders, students needing to study, young and old) is often forced to just live with the noise as city councils and police departments are forced to spend time and money creating new ordinances and fielding a barrage of complaints. Mr. Noise Lobbyist is very effective in getting politicians to smell his ass–and even in convincing them to like it! Yeah, that’s what we’re up against, as crude as that may sound!

You can help!…..

Please help to take back our communities from socially irresponsible/unaccountable corporations and inconsiderate individuals unleashing a torrent of excessive and unregulated noise devices on our communities. Excessive noise, left unabated, contributes to hearing loss, learning disabilities, depression, and other physical ailments. It harms pets and wildlife, and even sets the stage for natural soundscapes we find peaceful like birds, breezes, waves and other calming sounds nature needs to communicate—to become extinct–drowned out by the din of the acoustic sewage!

Again, and lastly, I want to remind that I am hoping to tap into the interests of the the environmental and animal rights movements which have largely missed the boat on this issue and how important it is to creating a kinder, compassionate, and more peaceful society for all living things and the many benefits such can entail. Noise is a public health issue, NOT a mere nuisance. Since the EPA office on noise pollution regulation has virtually been absent since the early 80’s, its little wonder why the public and law enforcement sector by and large lacks an understanding or education as to just how impacting noise is and how it adversely affects communities economically, socially, and environmentally. I call upon all the conscious people to take action.

Please learn more and read about the quiet communities act, or visit websites like Noiseoff Dot Org or Lower The Boom Dot Org to become educated and informed as to what a real problem noise is. You may also email me for a bounty of information sources about the negative impacts of noise. Thank You!


Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 4:27 PM No comments:



Before I get to the point of this article, which is about excessively and unnecessarily loud motorcycles and their operators, I wish to thank the motorcycle riders who actually respect the peace, or right to quiet and safety one has in one’s own home. For the many who find loud motorcycle noise particularly obnoxious and downright frightening, we thank you for not altering your pipes illegally, or gunning your engines at three in the morning!


For those riders who do not care about respecting their surroundings and rights to reasonable peace, or have some sort of disturbing sense of entitlement or freedom. I have many questions and comments for you.

I wonder what pleasure you get out of unleashing acoustic terrorism on those who have done nothing to you? Those who may be ill, elderly, or even those who work daily–or innocent babies, all needing their sleep. What of the innocent animals who are literally terrified by your selfish, careless acoustic assault?

Sure, I know there are many kinds of noises in neighborhoods people deal with on a daily basis; many of which are just as irritating and unhealthy. Those such as boom cars or the relentless and non-stop operation of dirt blowers. Indeed, these in each and every one of themselves, can become excessive. But today, I am addressing one kind of noise of the most frequent noise offenders in neighborhoods today, and that is YOU, the Rice Rocket of Harley Hog.

Whatever the noise, you all seem to have in common one thing: And that is, some kind of low self esteem or lack of fulfillment in your life, that has you making such noises for attention or validation to compensate. Or, maybe it has something to do with something a bit below the belt! You have some twisted idea that you are allowed to do whatever you wish without regard to law, rules, or ordinance as you create an acoustic anarchy!


As television helps perpetuate the romanticism surrounding the American biker these days with shows like “American Chopper”, we also see the romanticism in local bars offering “Bike Night” or even more on television–on news reports showcasing how motorcyclists banned together to ride for a worthy cause or raise money for charity.

When I see this sort of propaganda, I really have to wonder: If many bikers ride for such great causes, claim to be such great patriots and caring individuals, then why are the majority ignoring their fellow human beings who do not wish to be continually subjected to their self indulgent need to make noise? Where is the “patriotism” in destroying the peaceful environment of your natural lands and natural heritage as you caravan in an endless line of noise through State Parks? How is it being a patriot to not care about the constitutional right to domestic peace and tranquility? You love your country, but spoil its air-scape with your noise, hold innocent people hostage in their own homes by denying them the right to enjoy a peaceful weekend afternoon.


What gives you, the noisiest bunch and many who are donning waving American flags on your bikes claiming to represent freedom, law and justice, etc. the right to break local noise ordinances, force communities to have to waste time and money just to deal with this new level of excessive noise? What gives you the right to break federal clean air laws in the beautiful country YOU say you LOVE, by illegally altering the pipes on your bike? You cannot claim your typical battle cry of “Loud Pipes Saves Lives” because there is no scientific evidence to support that claim–And, just go Google “The Hurt Report” and let the science of physics lay that outrageous claim to rest. This was a report featured in one of your very own pro-biker magazines.

Is it lives you really want to save? Or do you just want to be louder than the other guy? Is it your testosterone gone wild….or is it a lack there-of? If safety is what you really want, you may want to strive for a quieter community, learn how healthy that can be, and recognize that when we have lower noise in our communities, we do not have to be LOUDER than everyone else to be heard! If safety is what you really want, then don’t ride drunk after hours–and get a helmet on too! Your extra caution, because you are the smaller vehicle will help too. If safety is what you want, then quiet down some. You will not go deaf, and instead, be able to hear what you need to hear around you, and so will the rest of us!

As for the loud pipes? No, they does NOT save lives and in fact can scare the hell out of a lot of people which can arguably shorten theirs. OR, you may scare a driver while you sneak up behind him with a sudden assault of loud, gut wrenching, brain splitting and ear ripping noise, causing him to swerve on the road and perhaps to hit you!


Your defiance, arrogance, entitlement sense, lack of manners and consideration always manifests when asked kindly to not gun your engines in front of people’s homes. You curse and lament that “You have a right” But then you whine like babies when you finally get a ticket. When you force communities and law enforcement to take a stand as you have tested their patience too long and too many times, you have the colossal nerve to complain.

You complain about the ticket after so many times being given the benefit of the doubt by having the local/federal noise laws and ordinances, NOT enforced. We hoped that you would have enough common sense and consideration, the cuddly teddy bears and riders of good causes you are, to do the right thing. Seems you have forgotten that your so called “right to make noise” will never supersede one’s right to quiet in their own home.


Indeed, the biker community often gets praise for its benevolence or patriotism. They have raised money and have ridden for many good causes. But there are many others as individuals and groups that have also done the same thing for many years, BUT without the noise. To the defiant and careless biker community” I have a final question for you. I appeal to your benevolent side and ask… Can you do a ride for the right to peace and quiet in ones own homes? How about a ride for the hurt you have caused many with your noise? Maybe this will get you to turn it down and discover the joy in quiet and what you are really doing. Maybe this will get others to see the dark side to your “hobby” Maybe you wont go deaf or force the rest of to…and maybe we will not be a drain on healthcare as a result!


For the respectful bikers out there who get it, you are thanked. maybe you can get through to the others who just don’t get it! They truly give a bad name to those who do not engage in the pleasure of being loud, no matter who it hurts.

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 1:20 PM No comments:

Eliminating Boom Car Noise Paul Kersey Style?


Noise, excessive or totally unnecessary, loud or not loud is still unwanted sound, by definition–and a major attack on quality of life in neighborhoods across the country and around the world.

To date, and what we will talk about today is “boom car noise” from those loud car audio systems. It is a kind of noise that is especially irritating, as low frequency, high decibel and vibration are combined to make you feel there is NO escaping it. This is but one form of noise that has become a virulent plague in neighborhoods everywhere, robbing people’s right to reasonable peace, quiet, and safety in their own homes. Some seem to think their “right” to behave anti-socially like this supersedes a constitutional right to domestic peace and tranquility!

This form of noise, I heard it described “as something that reaches through the walls of your home, grabs you by the neck and will not let go.” It is obnoxious and all courtesy of some selfish attention starved individual who has some perverted idea of the definition of “freedom”–who thinks he/she can do whatever they wish, no matter who it harms!

Contained in the link included below, I would like to share a story I found at random about a noisy neighbor’s incessant audio assault on the whole neighborhood—AND, how one neighbor who could not tolerate it any longer after a year, decided to protect himself by taking maters in his own hands. While I do not condone correcting wrong with a wrong, I do understand what could drive someone to feeling the way this person did in the story.

At the end of the story, it is dismissed as “junk” but I know such a device IS possible and perhaps the author was protecting his tail by making that disclaimer—and leaves it up to us to read between the lines. It is a shame that because of irresponsible and/or de-regulated corporations making these products–despite KNOWING the problems it will cost communities–that we have to see people become vigilant to protect themselves. (Just get off the corporation’s back and they’ll do right by us, eh Rush, Sarah? Oh well, just remember… there would be no need for regulation had the river not caught fire in Cleveland!)

Furthermore, the cost it levies on councils everywhere to have to make new laws and ordinances to deal with this form of audio assault is a sobering thought. Some places law enforcement is not an option, such as Warren, Ohio. In places like Warren, neither the city council or law enforcement body wants anything to do with dealing with this issue correctly–that is, until it results in a worse case scenario–when someone gets shot, beaten or stabbed because the noisemaker felt he was entitled to do whatever he wishes, and attacks someone for asking him to please turn it down……

OR the other way around: The person being assaulted by the audio terrorist, pulls a Popeye on him and proclaims…. “That’s all I can stand and I can’t stands NO MORE!” and perhaps resorts to a violent way of dealing with it.It is either a flight or fight response, in other words.

Typically, according to what anti-noise activists know who are associated with organizations like Lower the Boom Dot Org or Noise Off Dhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifot Org, it is the noise maker that is not only assaulting someone’s senses to the point of insanity with audio terrorism–but resorts to further assaulting someone with physical violence who may have respectfully pleaded with them to simply turn it down!

But isn’t our hearing part of our physical being? Yes it is… So, wouldn’t torturing that sense be a form of physical assault? You would think so, but due to a very under-informed legal and judicial system as to this subject, we may just have to deal with it for now, unless you are this guy… read the story in the link below!


Also take some time to listen to the Pod Cast included on the right hand side of this blog page, titled “BOOM CAR NOISE POLLUTION DISCUSSION!” There are so many aspects as to why this noise is dangerous and why it should stop, and many are covered in this very educational podcast.Let’s find out who will pay to take care of the plague of ensuing deafness in this country’s future? Hmmmm… Listen and share your ideas!

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 2:42 PM No comments: