Hey Media…Stop being a PR Conduit for the Oil and Gas Industry!

Below, is a letter I sent to a reporter, or should I say “repeater” who is one of the thousands who have become a whore to the oil and gas industry:

Dear sir, I have worked with stream ecology for many years. The damage to our water from fracking is clear. Why would Dick Cheney, in ’05 push to ram through an energy bill that EXCLUDED the oil and gas industries from the federal clean water laws? Why? Because they knew this degree of fracking would indeed greatly harm water resources, When you pollute ground water, which fracking can and does, that’s it..water is pretty much ruined. It will be the tax payers who bare the cost of this problem in the future if it ever becomes addressed at all. All people hear is industry and chamber driven information about this activity.

The unreported harms and horror stories have been for years an continue to be covered up by a powerful oil and gas lobby/influence. The paper’s job is to seek the facts as best as we know them and this means not just regurgitating to an ill-informed and gullible public what industry gurus and those who will financially benefit, want us to hear. Any economic benefit from this procedure is short lived, serves a few, yet will bare a far greater cost and impact down the road. We will look back someday and wonder what in the hell were we thinking?

What have we become as a society when we reach the point we are willing to throw our own Mother into a pot of boiling water, think that it is OK, just because a few people make a few bucks for a short time. There are many other cleaner ways to develop a sustainable economy and reduce dependency on oil or foreign energy, and this is NOT one of them contrary to a desperate and demoralized public largely in denial is duped into believing.

It is time to Stop this insanity. We do not need this energy as it is mostly being used to sustain things we simply do NOT need in what has become an insatiable 24 hour FAT MART society of sick people! Stop listening to the hype, marketing and PR of the oil and gas industry and start reporting the unheard story they do not want the public to hear. This IS after-all, a true democratic media’s responsibility.

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 10:44 AM No comments:

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