The Radio Mystery Theater Night Social is back….at “APERTURE” PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY AND VARIETY STORE at 2541 Scranton Rd. – Cleveland. Telephone is: 216-574-8977. This event usually takes place here every 2nd Thursday Of The Month–6:00 PM.

The setting is unique…a quirky retro kitschy look on the outside, and a classic nostalgic look on the inside with various photography and other nostalgic items for sale. Books, photography, cameras, and other items of classic interest will eventually be available in addition to unique working vintage cameras, film, and prints! The look and feel of Aperture is cozy and intimate and lounge-like. There is a refreshment and snack bar all set in inviting colors and an old wooden floor.

APERTURE is directly on the northeast corner of Starkweather and Scranton Rd….about a 1,500 feet walk from the bookstore where we previously held this event. While we do have space on the property and on the street for 8 or so vehicles total, in the spirit of saving space and energy, we do encourage, if possible, to walk, ride a bike, take public transport..or carpool if you can!
You may also bring your own wine of you wish. If you do so, please bring your own glass in the spirit of going green! Light snacks are usually served, but you may bring your own.


Radio Mystery Theater—refreshing alternative to television!

Did you ever hear the old saying “it’s so old it’s new?” Well, that is what I can say about old time radio theater because listening to it is such a refreshing break from television or movies. I have a disc collection of CBS’s “Radio Mystery Theater” which ran from 1974 until 1982.

This show was produced by long time radio theater creator Hyman Brown and hosted by E.G. Marshall–who had the kind of storytelling voice that made you want to gather around a fireplace on a cold October night! CBS Radio Mystery Theater was actually a rebirth of radio theater which had been absent from—or rare on the radio airwaves for several years prior. It featured many great guest actors and iconic voices, as well as the little known performer.

Long before television people used to gather around the radio and listen to their favorite shows. Featured were such subjects as drama, adventure, comedy, horror, and mystery. My favorite is mystery. Now let me get on with why I like these radio shows so much!

In radio theater, unlike television or movies, I appreciate the fact that since there is no moving picture to go along with the dialogue, the script writing had to be very descriptive and imaginative to paint the picture of what is happening in one’s mind. There were no super enhanced computer effects to make up for the substance a particular storyline lacks, which in my opinion seems to be so common in many of today’s mainstream movies. Quality writing is what radio theater is all about and if that’s what you like that’s what you’ll get! Most of the time, the acting is fabulous!

Additionally, another advantage of radio theater is that it offers a chance for improving listening skills, increasing attention span—and developing your imagination. It gives the eyes a rest from the glare of the television too! I like laying down, closing the eyes and allow the picture to form in my mind…the characters, the scenes, the time periods etc…. It can become addictive! Radio theater is making a comeback on various local public radio stations in Cleveland/N.E. Ohio!

Aperture and Radio Theater Night Social!……


Every 2nd Thursday Of The Month–6:00 PM “APERTURE” PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY AND VARIETY STORE at 2541 Scranton Rd. – Cleveland. Telephone is: 216-574-8977

Join “APERTURE” PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY AND VARIETY STORE for an evening of old time radio mystery theater, Every 2nd Thursday of the month starting at 6:00 PM. Sit back, relax…bring your favorite spirits, or favorite snack—or enjoy refreshments/snacks when available (we will be offering snack trays as an occasional courtesy) and hear many famous voice actors performing great stories by many classic radio writers–all in a nostalgic and intimate setting. These stories were crafted especially for radio and to stir your imagination without relying on a picture on a screen!

Between acts, there will be breaks for socializing and mingling with others who appreciate this truly unique lost art form existing long before television. The evening will be hosted by “Classic Movies Radio and Nostalgia” Meet Up Group, in cooperation with Aperture Photography Gallery/Studio and Variety Store! Please call Calvin at: 216-401-3118 or Robert at:330-393-4448, your hosts, to learn more about this free event—or if you need directions to Aperture, in Cleveland‘s historic Tremont neighborhood.

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 7:24 PM



Photo: Public Square Holiday Lights

Contrary to the big push in America by crash commercialism that suggests the more we spend the better our lives and the economy will be, I have some alternative thoughts about that idea. Let me share…..

For too long we have all bought into the myth that spending more will rescue the economy—when in fact the opposite is true, and that is, it simply creates more debt and increases default chances. There is an organization on the web, called The Center For A New American Dream that challenges the prevailing market driven mentality that ‘more’ or ‘cheaper’ is better. Reading their information over the years has helped me understand the difference between quantity and quality in our overall lives and particularly, the consumer economy.

Additionally, reading a lot of CFNAD material has helped set me free from staying on board of the robotic never ending tread mill of guilt trips we are on, instilled by heavy marketing–that if we don’t buy this time of year, we are not showing our loved ones we care, or that we‘re not patriotic….or any other number of warm and cozy guilt trip sentiments. Such mentality, in my opinion, is just another way the marketers have brainwashed and have the public under a spell. Mass marketers are running our lives and we rarely stop to see how and why. They tell us what we need to live well and be happy. Excuse me, but I’d like to make that choice myself.

The great news in all that commercial chaos is there is a different way to give during this time of year, and surprisingly it does not always have to involve a lot of STUFF that will one day clutter the garage or wind up at the curb, or worse yet—the landfill! One Christmas not long ago, every gift I gave was creatively crafted from recycled materials I found around the home. Adding to that, I found many other alternative gift ideas through the CFNAD organization. For example, I bought an old small book shelf from a local-independent retailer who sold second hand items…and refinished it myself.

I always thought using wrapping paper once and pitching it was such an injustice to our natural world so I used old comic sections from newspapers to wrap other re-used gifts I purchased in the same way I described above. As you can imagine, most of the gifts were second hand–but when they came together to make the new item, the end result was something new to the recipient of the gift!. I also did favors for loved ones. I did things such as clean their carpets or wash the car–and even offered the gift of time by cooking for someone. If you have any talents that may be useful to someone, you may want to consider offering them as a gift.

It really felt good to give and to help the local independent business economy AND the environment in this way by re-using and recycling through my gift giving. This is so very opposite of conventional ways—which makes Christmas time not the ‘most wonderful time of year‘…but, the most wasteful! Those who received my gifts really appreciated me taking the time and exercising a bit of creative fun in how I chose to ‘give’ Best of all, people were happy, and it was something I did not have to go into an insurmountable amount of debt to achieve! It was such a great feeling all around to break the bonds of the conventional consumer chains.

The alternative ideas of gift giving and buying are endless and creative….and are such that actually help the local independent economy by supporting those businesses….as well as not creating insurmountable public debt. I urge people to have a glance at the CFNAD website and learn why Black Friday as we know it, is actually more destructive to the economy than it is helpful.

The moral of the story today is doing more of what matters and has meaning, instead of doing just more. The message is that sometimes less is actually more. If we are going to spend money on Friday, please try what I did for a change, if you never have….and support your local and independent neighborhood businesses as often as possible as an alternative to the big box chains. By doing so, you will help to keep neighborhood storefronts and town centers from becoming ghost towns. By doing so holds many benefits too numerous to mention—but for starters, you will likely develop new friends and connections with the merchants as well as help keep money, jobs, and taxes in the neighborhood, create more walkable and less auto-dependent communities—AND help to mend tightly the very fabric that makes up a real community of connections; people knowing and helping people!

One final note….The Center For A New American Dream will also teach you about what “BUY NOTHING” day is and how it can actually benefit the economy more than spending can –However, as I demonstrated above, if you still want to spend, ok, but try the suggested alternatives because they have a more positive impact on the local economy and environment. How about promoting a time of year when we focus on more of what matters, than simply “more” (stuff, that is) You’ll feel prouder and better, trust me!

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 9:09 PM



I have no problem acknowledging the convenience attributes of today’s mobile phones. I use one myself. What I cannot and will not acknowledge, however, is the incessant over use and abuse of this little piece of technology. Such a culture has demonstrated great rudeness to me; and another example of an ever increasing erosion of personal human contact.

Why do I arrive at such a broad opinion? Well, let’s see, life experience has to count for something! I will share mine….

How many times have you been in a meeting, at work, in a classroom , or just standing in line somewhere and suddenly you are forced to listen to a rather loud and obnoxious rung tone?—After which, the dramatic conversation begins!

Did I really need to hear that ring tone or the conversation? Did the speaker at the meeting need to be interrupted by the ring tone?

Additionally, do we really need to be dragged against our will into the someone else’s dramatic conversation?

If people are going to do engage in personal conversation in front of everyone else, the least bit of manners they can exercise is to excuse themselves away from the rest of us in a corner somewhere. Prior to the call, though, the ring tone going off is the epitome of RUDE! Hey you! Ever hear of silent mode? Chirp or vibration perhaps my friend?

Cell phones going off all the time and people engaging in personal conversation is one thing about lack of etiquette in using a mobile phone but I am no where near finished…

How about the scenario that has 3 or 4 people (teenagers play a part in this rude breach of the mobile phone code of etiquette) talking on their phone while ignoring the company they’re presently with? Is the company in person/people with the phone user not stimulating enough? In the case of teens using mobile phones at school, I cannot justify the need for carrying such a device. If they need to be contacted, then the parents can call the school–and the student can be paged to take a phone call at the office. How many times have I heard stories from teachers who hear these devices going off in the classrooms during tests, despite school rules prohibiting them! Rude….Rude–And unnecessary!

I know there are a lot of parents who have actually been conditioned to think they need the phone—and have lost all concept that such a device is really used out of convenience, not a need. A convenience for most people, unless you are on call or in a situation, or have an occupation that requires you to be contacted immediately somehow.

School kids, and soccer Mom’s I am not sold on the paranoia that they’ll enter dire straits without their phone! Not a necessity to have a mobile phone, but instead, a conditioning of the mind to mistake it as a need, rather than the convenience it is. Funny how not very long ago, my friends and I never needed to rely on such technology, and we played plenty of sports and had near perfect attendance at school.

Uhhh yes, those were the good old days back in ancient the 80’s and 90’s when we toughed it out, indeed. How sad to think these kids are so brainwashed to think that a mobile phone is something which they cannot do without! Unfortunately, the children of some of the parents who are mobile phone junkies are also now conditioned to think they ‘need’ a mobile phone.

Well, I guess this is the result when we allow ourselves to become so co-dependent on technology to do everything from spell, wash windows, clean the yard, blow our noses or wipe our butts! Sure, parents always want better for their kids, but the question we need to ask these days, is ‘more’ better? Or is creating an ever increasing co-dependence on gadgets something that is conducive to nurturing critically thinking self relying population? Is spoiling or making everything easier necessarily a good thing. These questions would be posed by those who are thinking—but has the phone become another culprit to the dummying down of a population who will NOT think?

Still more rude and inconsiderate uses of the mobile phone have now taken to the road. How many times do we witness what has become the standard American pose: The proverbial soccer Mom, driving alone in her gas guzzling tank, totally oblivious to the traffic around her–one hand on the wheel; one hand to the head holding the phone. (rude AND dangerous to other drivers and what has become the standard American pose!) Isn’t anyone doing what they’re supposed to be doing anymore without involving the phone? I wonder, what aren’t we doing these days while driving? Everything BUT driving! The mobile phone… and driving, don’t mix. If you must, why not take advantage of the hands free options.

Finally, I have to laugh at the guy walking down the street talking to himself (How it looks before I knew about the blue tooth) while walking his dog. Isn‘t the old dog good enough to give all his attention to? Please, stop the above nonsense…..turn off the phone, put it down, leave it at home for a change. If you’re not available, someone will leave a message. The convenience of having the phone in hand all the time simply results in a lot of unnecessary use and abuse of this product. It was not intended to be glued to your hand or head. Through such abuse of the mobile phone, we have seemed to forget what it me and to enjoy or respect all which surrounds us in a particular moment—because whoever is on the other end of our phone, has obviously become more interesting or a priority. If you have witnessed any other form of rude, excessive use, or abuse of the mobile phone, please share your comments!

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 12:29 PM



GET THE PICTURE? Is your blog bland?

Well picture this….Why not add some stunning pictures to your creative words? Great idea if you’re a photographer—or if you know one—OR, if you have a great camera? That would make it all so easy. But what if you don’t have the luxury of any of that?

Sure you could search the web for photos–But–that entails a lot of permission requests, can sometimes be costly–and then there is the need for a lot of time searching for just the right image…as well as formatting and size issues you will have to consider. All of that can be such a hassle, and can take away the time you need to focus on what you do best—and that’s writing for your blog!

Luckily there is a much more efficient way to find just the right photos you need to make your blog the best it can be! At Acobox, we take all the work out of searching for blog pictures! We have the sizes, the subjects, and a variety to match any theme of any article on any blog, all on one easy to use website–Best of all its all FREE! Photo themes such as urban and natural landscapes, outer space, animals and architecture…its all on Acobox! To get started,…GET THE PICTURE, and go get your free account now!

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 8:02 PM



Where did I hear someone say “Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool?” What a great metaphor! I could not agree more with this statement so when Ohio joined the growing number of progressive states prohibiting smoking indoors, I was ecstatic! I helped to pass out a lot of information about why the ban is a good idea to those who would vote on the issue so I had such a great feeling of helping to accomplish a milestone in this state. The archaic argument that bars or restaurants will lose business if smoking is prohibited is finally revealing itself as the ‘smoke and mirror’ myth that it really is. The only benefits go to the tobacco industry as far as I am concerned.

I have always looked at the “restaurants/bars would lose business without smoking” notion as B.S. and in fact believed that such establishments would actually lose more business if they permitted smoking within their confines—by chasing away the buying power of all those who refrain from going out because of the concern of being subjected to second hand smoke.

Additionally, what about the costly damage second hand smoke does to interiors like carpet, cloth, walls, and light fixtures. (uhhh…besides everyone’s lungs!) I also factored the cost levied on the public in terms of health care and lost productivity in the workforce due to smoking related illnesses. Did anyone ever consider lost revenue for bars or restaurants—and expense on society because of those factors? Major world cities like New York and Sydney, Australia–as well as one of the largest states, California, have all implemented smoking bans and no one is shutting down because it. In fact, many argue that business has increased. All of those places have plenty of smokers as well and smoke bans have not stopped them from going out!

I often wondered at what point did society deem it appropriate… or more importantly, necessary, to accommodate a self indulgent and destructive habit that satisfies a few—BUT…hurts many innocent others—-in their place of business—Especially in such a place as a restaurant, where the food should be the major attraction??? When did all that start and WHY? To illustrate the stupidity in the logic of accommodating bad habits ,like smoking in restaurants, I will say that we should not discriminate against those who prefer a farting section! How about a nose picking and booger flinging section while were at it? Yes, sounds ridiculous, but is it any less ridiculous than the idea of smoke from one or two people creeping around and polluting everyone else’s personal airspace. At least you stand a better chance of the fart gas dissipating before it reaches your table than the smoke!

The smoke free workplace in Ohio was passed by voters in November of 2006 overwhelmingly and will only work and be fair when all places comply. That is why I just get so infuriated when I see violations occurring. It is not fair to places actually trying to do the right thing.

One other point about a bar or restaurant losing business…I ask: TO WHOM? If all smoking is banned in all places statewide across the board, and other states following the trend, is someone going to travel out of state until they find a place in a particular state where they can smoke? Maybe so, but IF so, it demonstrates the serious problem of a personal self indulgent addiction that would cause someone to drive so far just to suck smoke into their lungs. It really says something about the pathetic state of a drug addicted society—and we should not build an economy around bad habits that will end up levying a cost burden on all of society in the future.

It is time for restaurant and bar owners to craft a new vision and philosophy about the kinds of customers they can attract. There is an untapped and neglected market of health conscious individuals. Is the non-smoking crowd’s money not good enough? Why is it that some of the most successful restaurant chains and local businesses in Greater Cleveland and North East Ohio are smoke free–and have been long before the ban?

If restaurants or bars are depending on smokers to be a part of generating most of their business rather than the product the establishment actually offers (good food and drink and fun times)—Well, all I can say its that‘s pretty sad and just plain dysfunctional. It’s just sooooo…. “Wal-Mart!” Like I said, the health cost burden and lack of productivity in the economy courtesy of a sick populous is not worth the rest of us continuing to tolerate it as we have for years.

Hey smokers, no one said you cannot smoke…No one is taking your right to kill yourself away. All the law is saying is that you now must exercise your responsibility and do it in such a way where it does not affect others. Freedom without exercising your responsibility is NOT your right or anyone else’s. It is simple: you just have to go outside–and while you’re e at it, please do one more thing, could you stand far away enough from the door so that the second hand smoke does not get sucked back inside when people are coming and going? Oh amd wait…One more itty bitty thing, please bin your butts. The earth is not your ashtray.

The majority–the non-smokers have tolerated you for many years, while you have imposed unhealthiness upon us—now it is our turn to impose healthiness on you. Sorry, some of us have the selfish interest of wanting to breathe. Thanks to a grass roots effort by Ohio activists and voters, we have helped make that possible—and now we can move in a more progressive and productive direction in society.

Lastly, to all those who support the ban and realize the benefits, if you notice any smoking violations in Ohio, please call and report them to the Ohio Department Of Health’s toll free smoking violation line at 1-866-559-OHIO (6446). Your help counts. Please note the name of the establishment, address of violation, the approximate time and date, and the county of which the violation took place. Listed below is an unofficial list of those who chose to violate the smoke free law. Make it clear to them that you will not support those who break the law. Inquire with the Ohio State Department of Health what happens to those establishments who purposely balk at the new law.

Below is a link to an unofficial list of those establishments in Ohio who chose to balk at the law.

P.S. I can find a lot more people who ‘smoked for 40 years’ who are DEAD, than the one exception smokers frequently point out about some relative of theirs, their Grandpappy, who smoked for 40 years and is just fine! Absurd logic!

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 4:10 PM

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Labels: bad health, non-smoking, ohio smoke ban, smoking


Photo: Me, Maria, and Sounds Of Integrity

Since 1994 I have been following the talents of a local singing group named “SOUNDS OF INTEGRITY” I remember the first time I witnessed their talents. It was in April 1994 at The Cleveland Hilton South Hotel, now the Doubletree Hotel, perched atop the slope overlooking downtown Cleveland—off of Rockside Rd. I was accompanied a longtime friend since High School in the rather classy hotel lounge after a Cleveland Indians baseball game—-during the same week former US President Richard Nixon passed away.

After the game we thought we would grab a quick drink and a snack—and this is when I was drawn in by a singing group actually singing the tunes and music genres I thought I’d never get to hear live—and thought were lost closet classics. The Sounds Of Integrity have been singing for many years–and singing , according to me remembering a comment by one group member, was a family passion since childhood.

By now, you are probably wondering what kind of music they sing. Well, you name it and they’ll probably be better at it than some of the original artists. Genres ranging from 1950’s Doo-Wop, to 1960’s Classic R&B and Soul, to Philly Soul, Jazz and Motown….to Adult Contemporary and even Disco—to today’s popular Easy Listening tunes of all the same genres I just mentioned. Motown, If you think none of this is not your cup of tea, think again, because they please crowds of all ages and all walks of life!

If you enjoy the following artists, you’ll love a night out with The Sounds Of Integrity… Artists such as The Delfonics, Blue magic, The Temptations, The Stylistics, Earth, Wind and Fire, Tavares, The Doobie Brothers, Michael McDonald, Billy Joel, Barry White, Marvin Gaye, Natalie Cole, The Whispers, Frankie Valli, Mel Torme, Babyface, George Benson, Swing Out Sister, Anita Baker, Aretha Franklin, Oleta Adams, Roberta Flack, Bloodstone, Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes,, Gladys Knight and the Pips, The Manhattan Transfer, Glenn Miller, Louis Prima, Heatwave, and the list can go on and on—The Sounds Of Integrity have many influences. The best part of the show its that they get the audience involved. They are very personable and will walk right up and sing next to you with the mobile microphones.

The group usually do the vocal performance with customized quality soundtracks to the particular tune—but can play with a live band as well. They are such good singers, that I often thought that they sound excellent with no background music at all—just straight vocal harmonies. So if you are in for a special and fun night out–and you’re in the Cleveland/N.E. Ohio area, you have to check this out! You may not be the greatest dancer, but you’ll be chair dancing and foot tapping the whole night through.

I am glad I have had the pleasure of acquainting with The Sounds Of Integrity all these years, The group is led by husband and wife lead singers, Ramon and Margo Scruggs. Ed Blair rounds out the usual trio. Folks, if you’re reading this, what was the name of the great new addition?… The guy with the really deep voice? Sorry, I allowed the name to slip passed me when I was so taken by his singing style! This blog spot is a tribute to them and a THANKS for making every evening I saw you sing, a very fun one!

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 1:11 PM




The Culture of Loud-Notice Loud Music Everywhere You Go These Days?

Have you noticed that it seems everywhere you go these days you are having to shout over loud music or some other kind of noise? Think for a moment. Here is a list of places to name a few: Restaurants. No such thing as a quiet dinner anymore. Fuel stations. Why do I need to hear screaming speakers blaring at me when I am pumping gasoline? Convenience stores, clothing stores, book stores… Yes, I said book stores! I thought this was one place I could go for some peace and quiet to be alone with my thoughts…WRONG! Oh well, I guess the marketers in America don’t want us to be alone with our thoughts anymore because we might just THINK about the purchase we are making and discover we really don’t need it!

OK, lets continue with that list….We hear loud music in department stores, on the streets from those KA-THUMP….KA-THUMP noise making machines installed in cars. The list could go on and the only way I can explain it is that we are cultivating a population addicted to noise. The more we are subjected to the noise the more some of us think we need to have it. Some people are exposed so much to noise that they don’t know what it is like to enjoy giving peace and quiet a chance.

Of all my experiences in learning about the American culture of loud and rude, I can only come to the conclusion that once someone becomes so used to hearing loud music filling the ear canals–a strange phenomenon occurs–and that is, once the sound is turned off—the sound of silence is deafening!

I don’t know how to explain this in scientific terms, but I know audiologists can–and may refer the following phenomenon I describe as “ACOUSTIC OVER-STIMULATION”—-AND….from what I have read and experienced—when someone becomes addicted to loud music in their….ears and once it is turned off, the sound of silence becomes a loud hissing sort of noise–and is less tolerable than the loud music itself in their ears. Woah! That was a long winded explanation but I hope it made sense!

Why are restaurants contributing to the noise culture? Is there some kind of strange pre-conceived assumption that customers want loud music? I am talking about a restaurant now…Not a night club. I don’t know about you, but I never walked OUT of a restaurant because the music was not loud enough. I may also add that in these restaurants, the loud music is NOT calming background dinner music, rather it is a loud thumping sound.

Why have so many restaurants joined this trend? Is there an assumption that it will drive people nuts, make them eat faster–or MORE–and thus, somehow create a higher turnover rate? I know a lot of people who will walk out of a restaurant if it is too loud. I often wondered, how is the loud music supposed to enhance my meal? It certainly doesn’t help my digestion, rather, it makes me want to spew all over the dining room like that fat guy in the Monty Python movie!

Anyway, there is definitely something different surrounding us these days with being acoustically assaulted everywhere we go. I am not someone who expects my surroundings to be as quiet as a funeral home all the time, but if you have any inkling as to what I am writing about, you have to admit the loud music assault EVERYWHERE we go these days is a bit much–and soooo ‘in-your-face‘ obnoxious and rude! A most recent experience was in a Best Buy store. It prompted me to write the letter below to one of their corporate bots. It was a follow up letter in support of a fellow noise pollution activist.

Dear Amanda,

As a fellow activist in reducing unnecessary noise in my community, I fully support Judy Ellis’ platform in her letter on noise inside your stores. It must stop. I walked out of your store at least three times without a purchase due to this nonsense. Judy is right—It is NOT music coming from these devices, it is noise, period. You do not have the right to impose on all of your customers, what appeals to only a few in the anti-social bunch—who will then purchase the equipment you sell and turn loose on a helpless public—this imposing noise which starts inside your stores. Thanks to that nonsense, I have lost countless hours of quality rest needed to perform my job well. I am only one of tens of thousands who can claim the same, young and old alike.

I have wondered often…..Are you (Best Buy) happy being a part of driving the public crazy and inflicting the kind of physical damage that can result from particular kinds of unnecessary and excessive noise? I suggest you get an education as to what you are doing to the public by visiting Regardless, I am sure you and your colleagues will find some way to rationalize the noise addiction and your decision to impose it upon your customers, but the fact remains, it is wrong. If the few who purchase such noise making products, packaged and marketed as ‘music delivery systems’, want to ruin their hearing by 30, so be it, but the rest of us do not wish to lose ours–or pay for their future disability in some way.

I suggest you offer those addicted to the noise a private room with headphones for demonstrations if they want to ruin their hearing. Because of promoting such products, you are in part, responsible for countless communities nationwide to have to spend time and public money re-writing ordinances to curb this noise. It is corporate irresponsibility all the way–and such that depends upon a buyer making the irresponsible decision to unleash the noise on the public.

You can at least take immediate action by stopping the noise assault on ALL your customers to lure the few. I cannot shop in your store and make an important purchase decision because of your decisions to assault customers with loud bass. I cannot even hear the salesman! Secondly, warn customers that if they purchase such products like the car audio devices, they may be subject to heavy fines for using such equipment illegally on the road.

Lastly, I have a question… How many people can you prove—have NOT walked into your store because of LACK of noise? Probably none! On the other hand, I can tell you that many will walk out because of too much noise. The deafer the public becomes, the louder your equipment will get—and when they become totally deaf…you will no longer have a customer base, will you? Hmmmm.. How much will this cost the social system? Please stop behaving like corporate brats out of control. Please grow up and turn the noise down!

Robert S. Carillio
Cleveland, Ohio

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 7:23 PM


Obama–The Breath Of Fresh Air The US Desperately Needs

As I watched election night unfold I must admit there were moments I had a notion that John McCain would pull ahead or near with Barack Obama in the electoral votes. It was about the time when the east was awaiting vote tallies from the west. I thought OK, we did our job over here—now come on west, we need some support out there. I thought this especially in light of Ohio finally turning blue, a major hurdle and victory for the Obama campaign.

Both these campaigns fought long and grueling affairs so I figured the final outcome of the race would be close. But when the west tallies started coming in, and blue started to color the western map, I began to believe that this country still had some hope for not only planting the seeds to cultivate needed change here—but I also had hope that we would gain the kind of respect as a world community member this country so desperately needed after what I saw as 8 years of a corrupt and shameful administration. Sure, all administrations had their share of corruption—but the one we have endured for the last eight years has brought the word to a whole new level.

Barack Obama surely has a shipload of crisis to deal with upon starting his administration. The economy, education, health care, crime, poverty, the environment and so on—-But in these difficult times, I think what people saw in Obama was a guy who talked to them—not at them. He reached out to everyone and listened to their concerns no matter what age, race, socio-economic level and promoted a union of the nation to solve problems by listening to all—and not division by seemingly listening or appealing to one half only.

Throughout the campaign, I began to listen to him and to be honest, he just made a lot of sense to me in which direction this country should be heading locally and internationally as a world example setter and leader. As his campaign victory was sealed by clinching it with the 270 needed electoral votes, I began to feel chains broken of the kind of mental imprisonment for simply too long, made me feel our country was more a bully on the block, than a welcomed neighbor.

I think Barack Obama is going to make a great President. I feel even those who may not have supported him so much now—or who were undecided, can put away the kind of fears that hold us back from evolving as a nation—and will discover what I have noticed about this guy.

In light of the Obama win, I feel John McCain gave a most humbling speech. I thought his urging of some of his supporters to refrain from shouting remarks of frustration really said something about his integrity–and in facet, with this speech, gained a degree of admiration and respect for him from me. I think he will work now to unite the country again with Obama—and stop the kinds of division that would cause this nation to crumble in so many ways—and from becoming a nation of haves and have- nots.

I feel Barack Obama will be the kind of President the US needs is because he really seems to be in touch with people from all walks of life—and articulate himself as a leader if integrity, which projects locally and abroad. I feel he will set the stage to give this country a new chance for a new economic beginning that nurtures the economy from the ground up. From the ’ground up’ is how the economy originally grew, and for too long , it has been a concept that has been ignored through the promotion of the failing trickle down economic theory. In other words, Main Street survived long before there was ever a Wall Street.

The economy was grown from the roots of the many independent and family owned businesses. By creating such an economic environment will set a stage here that has people less depending on big business to employ us all, thus breeding the economic diversity that will breed stability. More people will be able to compete as independent businesses and make a living for themselves. Environmentally speaking, I feel we will be a country that relies much less on oil, not just foreign oil—but OIL–in that new alternative energy ideas will be introduced. There will be many jobs created in the new age of cleaner, greener fuels, and our environment will be better off.

On election night 2008, I think America finally grew up and is ready to leave behind a path of destructive division–socially, economically, and environmentally.

See Obama’s victory speech:

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 10:08 AM