Reducing Litter In Cleveland

For approximately 12 months now, myself and several other dedicated volunteers came together in the interest of doing what we can to help reduce litter in the city and region–And to plant the seeds of change that can alter the mentalities that produce the litter in the first place.

So far, as a result, we have raised the awareness of this issue–and placed it on the radar of several key figures in the city who have graciously offered their cooperation in reducing liter and illegal dumping. Also coming forward have been other volunteers and several neighborhood community development corporations.

Neighborhoods that are aiming at leading the charge in this campaign are… downtown–as Gardens Under Glass at the Galleria will be the voice of the campaign slogan material and educational presentations at the Eco-Tuesday event. Adding to this will be a display in the Re-Source Educational Center courtesy of Keep Ohio Beautiful, that aims to recruit volunteers who will obligate to create Cleveland’s first official chapter of this long time litter awareness and education organization.

Ohio City has also taken on a roll–as this neighborhood has worked to increase recycling/and or availability of trash bins, have a monthly neighborhood wide clean-up announcement, place law enforcement signage, and eventually get the word to schools, businesses, residents, and police on why litter is not acceptable, how it contributes to other quality of life degrading issues–and why laws need to be enforced. Cudell may be another neighborhood emerging and embracing the movement, with a storefront window planned and dedicated to artfully displaying awareness campaign material and its distribution.

Lastly, Edgewater Beach/Park and Euclid Beach/Park have also seen the addition of new anti-litter and educational signage and increased clean-ups. Additionally, a cooperative relationship between volunteers and park management is growing. These are just a few areas that are working toward helping to reduce litter. Other community development corporations have expressed interest in being a par of what hopefully will evolve into a city wide effort.

The above are just a few of multiple other efforts to help plant seeds of litter reduction. All who are dedicated to this understand that change on what seems to most who are concerned, as no-brainier logic, often comes very slow. Therefore, their patience and commitment will drive the ongoing success of the effort. I recently wrote an article for Cool Cleveland to help spread the word about impacts of litter–And, started a petition on Change Dot Org that promotes action being taken on plastic cigar tip/butt litter. Please see the article in the link below…and sign the petition on the Change site. –Thank You!

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 7:07 PM No comments:

100 Year Old Columbia Building Coming Down For Parking Garage–Oh, I’m Sorry… I Meant To Say, “A Welcome Center!”

Despite his structure being in good usable shape…. We can say goodbye!

The Landmarks Commission, responsible for delaying demolition of the historic Columbia Building in downtown Cleveland to build a parking garage for a casino, has now given the go-ahead to demolish this handsome pedestrian oriented downtown structure, in favor of a more car dominated street scene. No one can be this short sighted to not explore ideas for saving the Columbia and incorporating it into a design which would satisfy parking issues for visiting guests with cars glued to their rear ends–as well as needs of pedestrians and people who actually LIVE downtown.

Making this even more difficult to swallow, is a planning commission that has not sold me on the idea that they have “looked at all possible alternatives..and none are feasible” , or so we have heard a dozen times! I cannot accept this bone thrown to the public.

Someone whom I have kept in contact with about this dilemma, name withheld, had this to say: “I am now convinced that The Landmarks Commission is nothing but a mascaraed; another puppet on strings. When they say that “none of the alternatives are feasible”, that is nothing more than those strings being pulled. In fact, they are literally mimicking whatever the developer says. They do not actually fight a real fight for historic buildings in this city, even when they are a designated Landmark as this one is.

They just go through some “motions” hoping to make it look like they’re putting up some sort of protest. Some who have protested this demolition are now looking at ways to improve the design of the garage. They were pleased with the large turnout of people who opposed the demolition of the Columbia, and lament that “just because they have lost this battle, that it does not mean we have lost the war.” That, referring to taking more enthusiastic action in the future where other historic buildings may be threatened.

Maybe it doesn’t “mean” we lost the war, but, I guarantee you — we “lost” this war before it even started. This city’s government wants only one thing — someone spending money in this city — especially a LOT of money, as developers do. They will sell the historic City Hall that they work in — also a designated Landmark — and allow its destruction, if the price is right. The situation here is thoroughly pathetic and thoroughly hopeless.

I could not agree with the above comments more. Still, how could there be “no feasible alternatives” It seems many who have attended meetings about the demolition did just that, present feasible alternatives! So what can it be? Why the rubber stamp go ahead? Hmmmmm…..WAIT!!!….maybe there are too many demolition contractors standing to gain by being given the promise they will get a job! No one in city government probably ever expected this much protest to this demolition so ramming it through would be a cinch, no worries. A few in the good old “good ‘ole boys club” can make some fast cash. Sure I am speculating, but one must wonder!

I hope people will realize why it is treading a risky path to allow a gaming industry, parking czars, and a developer be in some kind of position to act as a big benefactor and pillar member of the community. It is as close to a real life “deal with the devil” example as one can get! It is a perfect example of how letting developers, parking lot kings, and some gaming cronies dictate city planning, as I have mentioned before, is like letting loggers dictate forest management!

With the demolition of Columbia, what they want, they get, no matter how bad it is to the vision of creating a pedestrian friendly city-scape. Maybe those who run the show are used to the parking lot scene anyway, so to them they see nothing wrong with this picture! Maybe it is the quicker and cheaper way for them. But what is cheapest for the parties involved in this fiasco is not always best for the many in the long term. Indeed, screw the resident or stakeholder which bares the brunt of the long term costs such as ruining an already walkable infrastructure in favor of more cars and creating a pedestrian dead zone!

It is not as if the developer of this project would have walked away from it altogether had demolition of the Columbia Building been denied by the Planning and Landmarks Commissions. On the Contrary, it would have forced a more thoughtful re-design. The city neglected to use this scenario as leverage that would demand a design that would have integrated the Columbia Building into the plan. Here was an opportunity to achieve the best design possible to satisfy everyone, wasted!

To the rest of the outside progressive city designers and planners in the world..looking in, this demolition and parking garage design represents the poster child of HOW NOT to design a city if you want to promote more pedestrian traffic at street level, create connectivity for such, and create economic diversity and a walkable friendly feel… However, if you want to promote more oil use, pedestrian dead zones, noise, a building that will likely start to look crappy in a few years with its faux frontage cheesy looking building materials…..and build the city for cars and not people..The demolition with the current parking garage design is brilliant. Textbook right out of the 50’s through 70’s!

Yes, I should mention that the more historically significant Stanley Block Building will be saved and restored, (not because the developers were not prepared to knock this down too!–another story.) but to see it juxtaposed with a strip-mall type building, might look as ridiculous or awkward as seeing a new Westlake-style Taco Bell sitting right next to Severance Hall, or Liberace playing piano in a hip hop show. I Would such a “fusion” work?

Seriously, we need to ask.. “For whom are we designing our city?” Certainly NOT for attracting stakeholders…And rather, for fly by night visitors. They come, they gamble, they POOP, they leave…and continue to say how wrong Cleveland gets everything from the comfort of their sprawl-burb home.

If this demolition of an already pedestrian structured infrastructure for a parking garage… Oh, I forgot to mention what they’re calling it.. “Welcome Center” does not create the street pedestrian lively area with galleries, shops, businesses, restaurants, future retail, etc… In my opinion it will be a failure. Afterall, isn’t this the scene Cleveland touts it wants to create?….A walkable, day and night city of choice? Well, if your only choice in life is spending your penny rolls saved in the pickle jar at a casino to help pay for repairing the bungee attached bumper on your rusted car, for more cigarettes, or hungry man TV dinners, then maybe this is a perfect design! (Sorry, I am getting a bit nasty, but I cannot deny the scenes I witness in these kinds of places!)

I actually had a different vision for this part of the city…perhaps a bit more in line with promoting a healthy and more economically productive and diverse population that does not need The Lone Ranger to come in and “save the city” (Ie: MedMart, Casino) The current design of the garage that will replace the Columbia Building is so counter productive to the above described scene many would like to see downtown…as well as so counter productive to promoting a more sustainable city–also something that Cleveland is supposedly trying to achieve.

I cannot say much positive about this demolition/parking garage scenario, but I guess the light at the end of the tunnel is that if more opposition to demolitions as witnessed with Columbia happened every time city fathers partner with very un-creative developers and those with a lack of vision in quality city planning, then just maybe there would be a bit more caution exercised in how we lay out our city’s future designs. Maybe there would be more demand to achieve everlasting appeal, purpose, and style–And in the spirit of a more sustainable future and economy that can spawn from such–there would be more demand in keeping the pedestrian in mind first, the car second! So, looking forward, maybe the opposition can/will result in the changing of the current design of the garage.

Here are a couple good quotes online today that reflect the immediate disappointment and dissatisfaction for this terrible design.

“At the end of the day it’s not about “preserving the past” its about allowing lower prospect to continue a mixed use model that encourages people to use and live in the city and not creating a two block auto oriented dead zone for people who want to stop in for a couple hours and leave. Mixed use is “building for the future”… not lining our streets to make things easiest for temporary guests.”

“I’m feeling quite depressed this afternoon. I just can’t comprehend that we are tearing down this building for a parking garage. A parking garage for the folks of Streetsboro and Madison and Lagrange. The same people who talk crap about this city any chance they get won out. Congratulations to all those who comment on, you are the true winners. You can now come and dump your quarters in my downtown while you laugh at what a terrible city this is from the comfort of your close parking garage and safety of your gerbil tube that “elevates” you above the dirt of the city.Another fine day of Cleveland politics. Still much work to be done ahead about final designs.”

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 11:06 AM No comments:

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The Galleria–Downtown Cleveland–New Vision and Life!


The Galleria
1301 E. 9th Street

A photogenic and uniquely designed multi-use facility in Downtown Cleveland’s business district–within a 10 minute walk of many attractions, including The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Playhouse Square, E. 4th Street District and many others.

This cheerful space resembles a giant green house with its all-glass barrel-vaulted arched ceilings measuring some 80 feet high and stretching for an entire city block!

Essentially, the inside of the facility is an indoor street. In here you will find an eclectic blend of small local art galleries, clothing shops, a Hungarian heritage museum, the Gardens Under Glass Re-source Center (featuring eco-related ideas and products which promote sustainable living and local indoor year ’round growing of produce.), a full service restaurant, indoor/outdoor park-like food court–and a variety of businesses including a full service bank and more.

The facility also hosts a myriad of major events, such as weddings, banquets, concerts, dances, wine tasting, farm markets, and fund raising functions. If you’re feeling tired, the property is a fantastic space to take a leisurely stroll, or sit down and read a while and escape the noise of the city. The Galleria brings the light of day inside no matter the time of year!

* Hours are Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM. Served by Cleveland Metropolitan Region Transportation Authority, and the free B-Line Trolley Bus which runs every 10 Minutes/7:00AM to 7:00 PM. Close proximity to major hotels, new convention center and interstates. Climate controlled, secure, well lit–underground parking garage off Lakeside Avenue.

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 10:21 AM No comments:

Demolition of Columbia Building Not Justified

Given the current auto-oriented, anti-pedestrian design of a “Welcome Center” for the casino in downtown Cleveland—and considering the already many gaping holes of empty space and parking lots there—these, among other reasons do not justify the demolition of a part of the city’s historical fabric for the sake of parking.


While an important part of the project, parking should not solely determine the design of downtown—Especially, if this is a temporary casino location and if we’re trying to encourage more foot traffic at street level. And, if a temporary location, why permanently alter the already pedestrian oriented infrastructure downtown? The current street-scape not only encourages more walking and less dependency on oil, it also has the potential to bring much needed foot traffic at street level, and create the pedestrian connectivity of which casino supporters hope.

Seriously folks, the worst part of this design is a sky-pedestrian bridge that herds people like cattle going to slaughter, from their cars, to the bridge, to the casino? Are we TRYING to remove foot traffic from street level in an already desolate spot? Was this Gilbert and friends idea of “urban connectivity?” Is this designed for people who are too lazy to walk, or too afraid to walk outside and deal with a panhandler? (I just hope that when they lose money at the gambling tables, they’re not joining the panhandlers!)
If the latter is the case, then we assure panhandling will be one of the few scenes in this area of downtown when no one else is placed on the street level!

Tearing down perfectly good buildings is also NOT a show of environmental sustainability that Cleveland is trying to demonstrate in contrast to its opposite polluting past. Adaptive re-use of a building, however, IS a shoe of sustainability and opportunity for local designers to cleverly alter the block while at the same time preserving the history there. Cities who demonstrate such ideas bask in the glow of international praise and have people wanting to visit them from all over. Portland, Seattle, San Francisco to name a few cities. Maybe we have something to lean about that….as those places are no slack places!


The current design of the welcome center does everything to discourage connectivity at street level, promotion of more walking and foot traffic downtown!
Seeing the current welcome center design, the city is allowing developers to dictate the planning; with developers making the city adapt around their plans. This is OPPOSITE of how it is supposed to be, and a failure on the city/planning commission to realize that.

What planners are paid to do: PLAN with critical thinking…and set the table of quality planning for our city—and NOT allow the developer to do it. He will do whatever is quickest and cheapest with residents bearing externality costs in the future in one way or another. Such is a recipe that does not guarantee goodness or benefits to the majority in the city, and only for a few.

Again, another example of what I have said before: That allowing developers to dictate city planning is like letting loggers dictate forest management! Some politicians here are obviously in the pockets of a few developers, parking czars, and gaming promoting salesmen.

This lack of vision, that does not demand a welcome center design that would be sensitive to the city’s historical and pedestrian oriented fabric—And, to instead whore ourselves out to something inferior in the name of parking is utterly unreal! Such just demonstrates a low self esteem and that Cleveland will be anyone’s whore as long as you mention jobs and tax revenue.


Speaking of revenue… Hmmm.. Let’s see: There is also revenue in making the city appealing to live in for stakeholders that will move here and pay property tax and raise a family. Those who desire a walking friendly and safe city with vibrant downtown streets lined with pedestrians walking, doing business, shopping, and entertaining.

Maybe we should focuses more on that component of revitalization instead of building an economy around that which ultimately seeds dysfunction and could very well cost us in other ways in the long run via social dysfunction and all that may be attached to compulsive gambling! Afterall, was this not the mayor’s tag line in the election campaign to make Cleveland “A city of CHOICE?”

By “choice” I assumed he was talking about attracting new residents. Its time we pay attention to creating a place people want to live and raise a family, instead of just catering to fly by night visitors in the hope we’ll gain at the expense of their vices or habits. Demolishing the Columbia Building, instead of exploring creative ways in adaptive re-use of the building and integrating it in with the project is an act in utter haste and waste.


City officials promoting the project insist that there are no alternatives to demolishing the building. Really? I would like to see in detail all the alternatives they actually did review. I have noticed many urban enthusiasts on local city forum websites that have come up with plenty of possible alternative design ideas that could satisfy all.

Still I ask…Do city planners have answers when questioned about all the alternatives they sought to prevent demolition of the Columbia? I think there are none, as there was probably little expectation that people would actually stand up to the demolition and demand some answers. The design and request for demolition was probably assumed that this would be rammed through with ease and no one would take notice—therefore, they’re not prepared to answer!


The local news appears to jump aboard the “rush it through” bandwagon in their brief coverage of the issue placing on it a spin as though this is about “preservationists opposing progress”, probably hoping that those who oppose will be made to look like they’re against something good for Cleveland. But, if they had done their job instead of fluffing and dramatizing, they would learn that for the opponents the demolition it is not about blindly opposing “progress” it is all about opposing BLIND progress and a piss poor design, or should I say lack there-of?


It is only fair to the public that all possibilities are unveiled to creating this welcome center. Personally, I feel the existing infrastructure can be integrated into a design that would offer parking too, while preserving and renovating a block of Cleveland history. Do you think visitors and residents alike will be more proud of just another parking deck that will likely look crappy in only 10 years time, or possibly be obsolete, given the current building maintenance ethics of many downtown Cleveland property owners?—OR more proud of an iconic restored block of classic history integrated well with the new?….

More proud of an intimidating auto dead zone that obstructs pedestrian traffic, or one filled with street life such as shops, galleries, restaurants, etc? I feel the project can be done in such a way that will have long lasting appeal. Let’s not repeat the same logic and past mistakes that almost saw all the theaters on Playhouse Square demolished and have us looking down Ontario Street and wondering some day.. “What in the hell were they thinking?”


The Columbia needs to be spared. It has great potential to be integrated into a quality design, perhaps for residential with street level business space (which the current welcome center design lacks!)These are just some of the reasons I can offer for saving this structure. I am sure many of you can chime in and add more reasons. I heard it said that in the future, we will be judged not only by what we create but also by what we refuse to destroy! This makes sense to me! How about you?


Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 3:34 PM No comments:

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Cleveland and Northeast Ohio, when you search deeply enough, has many restaurants that offer vegetarian or sometimes even vegan choices, but not nearly enough to keep up with the slow but growing desire for such food. As Vegetarians or Vegans, some of us grow tired of the places that offer so called “options” because of the rather narrow and bland representation of this wonderful cuisine—And, perhaps with the frustration when mentioning the word “vegan” for example, to restaurant servers and being looked at as though we just fell out of a tree! Yes, some of us understand the true diversity of the vegan diet and it opening up a whole new array and cornucopia of food choices and flavors—well beyond the common perception of such food as having only lettuce and tomatoes from which to chose!

Having said the above, when I first yearned for a genuine and exclusive vegan cafe to be located in Cleveland, contrary to popular opinion, I thought downtown would be the perfect place to begin representing this great food! Why? Well, that is what this essay is all about……

At first mention of a vegan cafe and a good location, the usual opinions I have heard from the supporting crowd of such food are the typical arty eclectic enclaves that exist in Cleveland such as Tremont, Ohio City, Detroit Shoreway, Coventry, Lakewood, and so on. While these locations would all probably foster well a new vegan cafe, I thought that just perhaps a more visionary, daring and much less obvious choice would be to locate one in the epicenter of Northeast Ohio in the heart of downtown Cleveland.

First off by locating here, we can bring the tasty world of vegan food to a much more diverse audience “beyond the choir” so to speak. We can demonstrate that this food can integrate with many other foods and be a success—which would blow down the myth that such a cafe is limited to the kinds of places I mentioned above!

Tasting is believing, and we can introduce and perhaps make more vegan believers out of those who would have never otherwise considered trying what is simply good food. Add to this, a sad testament to the status of fresh food availability these days in America, unlike our grandparents, many inner city people do not have as much access to healthier food choices, and having a vegan cafe right on downtown Cleveland’s public transportation HEALTHLINE is a great way to send the message of better eating. Thousands of downtown office workers and visitors alike, will also have the option of better and more delicious eating other than the heart attacks in the box.

Secondly, Cleveland’s Public Square, especially the S.E. Quadrant, offers an historic, charming and somewhat romantic ambiance backdrop for the vegan experience. Looking outside the window of The Flaming Ice Cube in downtown Cleveland is worth the visit alone. You can even stroll over to the Soldiers and Sailors Monument afterward and view this gorgeous monument and museum from the inside. Its FREE!

Another reason downtown is really a good selection is because it is central to all Greater Cleveland locations and convenient to nearby adjacent neighborhoods—all served by public transportation and even a free circulating trolley bus service that runs every 12 minutes or so…and can drop patrons off virtually in front of the cafe. The downtown location also re-connects more people with their downtown and offers them a chance to utilize it and discover its actual conveniences, contrary to some opinions of those who have not ventured into town for a long time. There is plenty of nearby parking for reasonable rates. All parking facilities are within a 3 to 12 minute stroll to the cube if you are taking your own transportation…and offer a great opportunity to “walk up” an appetite before your meal, or afterward, walk off your meal! While you’re at it, take in all the great downtown architecture on the historic avenue.

Lastly, but not the least of reasons, or the end of reasons for that matter, I think downtown is a great location, is that being here offers a chance to support the core of the region, which essentially keeps business and vibrancy in the urban hub. By making this choice there is a benefit to animals—and most vegans, by nature, tend to be animal lovers. What is the benefit? As mentioned, supporting the core contributes to its success, and its success then contributes to keeping urban activity in the urban hub—and thus takes on a benefit of reducing natural habitat consuming urban sprawl.

You can help Ohio’s natural heritage and paradise will not be paved to put up a parking lot if we all just ventured into town and supported more local and independent owned businesses. You just may find the experience unique and rewarding. So, I hope I shed some light on why this location is actually a good one. Come down to learn downtown the way your grandparents knew how to utilize it and you will see that it is a lot more convenient than you might think!

Finally, visit the Flaming Ice Cube website to learn about all the convenient delivery offerings and more….the downtown Cleveland location offers! The Flaming Ice Cube is in the street level of the historic Park Building—directly across from the Soldiers and Sailors Monument—and a 3 minute walk west of the E.4th Street entertainment district–on Public Square! Just remember…”the cube on the square”

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 8:25 PM 1 comment:


The top photo was taken at Edgewater Beach near downtown Cleveland. This condition has existed for a long time now and appears to be getting worse. Obviously many residents and city leadership think this condition is acceptable, or are not thinking about it at all. The photo below is of a public service announcement recently displayed in The Sydney Morning Herald, in Sydney, Australia.

Obviously the problem there was enough to warrant needed attention—and truth be told, for a metro area of over 5 million, their 100’s of miles of local beaches are virtually litter free, in contrast to just 50 yards of beach that cannot even be maintained properly at Cleveland’s Edgewater Park. I think this is a pitiful testament to the lack of regard for the environment these days. Sure, all the “going green” and “sustainability” propaganda suggests otherwise, but pictures speak a thousand words.

I think our city should employ the same public service promotion as Sydney–as the message for cigarette butt litter ALONE desperately needs to be sent here. DCA could maybe consider making this a part of any downtown signage themes in which they’re involved, like the “Change Where It Counts” and “Junk-In-The-Trunk” campaigns. Afterall, if we can say something about junk-in-the-trunk we can surely say something about litter on the streets in making for a safer; more sustainable, desirable, and healthy city.

It is alarming to realize that to many, seeing cigarette butts or black and mild tips laying all over is perfectly acceptable—or that there is nothing we can do about it. It looks as though Sydney, Australia, on the other hand, IS trying to do something about it and maybe Cleveland can learn something from such an example. Maybe such a message will help to seed the beginnings of fostering a new populace, many of whom just might learn learn why tossing butts on the ground is unacceptable.

photo sources: Sydney Morning Herald/Christopher Hubbard

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 6:13 AM

Storefront Makeover Opportunities For Downtown!

Press Release!

Attention Plain Dealer!

Let me tell you about “The Storefront Makeover Program” for downtown Cleveland!

There is currently a new program in operation downtown to enhance the visual appearance of empty historic storefronts. We are working with several local artists to offer building owners with storefront window space—completely free of charge—the opportunity to have their storefronts freshly made-over with tasteful art exhibits. Some will have themes of helping to foster a litter free/recycling mindset in our city, while others will be themed accordingly to property owners preferences.

The concept is nothing new, and in fact has been implemented in other cities as well as right here in Cleveland, however, we feel we could use a lot more of the concept downtown. The program, simply called as of now….“The Storefront Makeover Program” has been in operation for over a month and has gained enthusiastic support. The program will achieve many positives and offers a win/win/win scenario.

For the owner of the building, the program will make the space available for rent/lease much more marketable to potential occupiers of the space—as well as inspire onlookers as to just how classy a genuine and historic downtown retail space can look when displayed just the way they were in their heydays. A finished window display will exude life and activity, and such would be a great contrast to the typical empty storefront with dirty or whitewashed windows donning a “For Rent/Lease” which really is a testament to depression or difficult times.

Until the spaces are occupied with valid tenants, why should they be left to decay?
We are also confident that this program could be an important role in possibly deterring unwanted activity near the properties, as it portrays activity and occupancy of the space–especially at night, when the displays can be colorfully lit.

For the visitor and window shopper,
obviously there are the benefits. When visitors come downtown they tend to be polarized in “districts” and do not venture beyond them. By filling all the in-space between the districts with window displays, it will sort of act as a magnet to draw walkers to observe the displays.

Finally, for the participating artists, this program will offer free advertising for their art, and direct onlookers to places where they may be able to purchase their art. So, the program also potentially helps other businesses downtown. The retail spaces will be freshly cleaned inside and out, as well as the walks in front of the space. Anyone wishing to participate in the opportunity, and for further details should contact Vicky Poole or Robert Carillio at: 440-225-0723 or 330-393-4448

Posted by Angry Man In The Basement at 9:12 AM